All Courses

  • Understanding Space

    This introduction lesson sets the foundation for many of the available space lessons.

  • Space Environment

    This lesson establishes the foundation of the environmental factors associated with operating space systems in the harsh environment and vacuum of space.

  • Orbits Fundamentals

    This lesson will help you not only understand key terminology associated with space operations but orbit basics.

  • Space Law

    This lesson establishes the basic legal principles and foundations associated with operating in the space domain.

  • Space Organizations

    This lesson introduces the student to the key space organizations and units that are responsible for key space operations.

  • Modern CDO Environment

    This lesson describes why space is now considered contested, degraded and operationally limited and what these terms mean.

  • Spacelift

    This lesson outlines why lift is needed and some of the basic capabilities / limitations of launch vehicles and launch locations.

  • Electromagnetic Fundamentals

    This lesson explains the basics of how the electromagnetic spectrum is used to observe, interact and communicate with satellites and terrestrial objects.

  • Radar and EO Basics

    This lesson describes how ground-based RADARs and electro-optical (EO) systems operate and are used in space operations.

  • Rocket Propulsion

    This lesson describes how ground based RADARs and electro-optical (EO) systems operate and are used in space operations.

  • Spacecraft Payloads

    This lesson outlines the different types of payloads and how they can be designed to support different mission sets.

  • Spacecraft Subsystems

    This lesson defines all the subsystems used to sustain operations of key space systems for the design life of spacecraft.
